What I’d like to share with you… Almaty


Zanzebek. Almaty City Mountains
Almaty, Kazakhstan.

This is a sketch of what I see everyday. This is the city I live in – Almaty. I travel here every single day after tons of surfing the internet. And as both a tourist and a citizen of Almaty I’d like to tell you how wonderful it is… in the upcoming posts (maybe).

I am planning to blog about mostly tech stuff, some gaming stuff and slightly about life in general. I think my friends are tired and not very interested in my stories, so I though I need a space of my own and the people who’d like to read my stories.

I’ve tried building several websites, but it’s so difficult that I thought I should build something I’d care enough to suffer the pain of building a website/blog on my own.

Almaty is changing very quickly and if you have ever been here before, chances are you’ll spot major changes the next time you travel here.

I don’t take too many photographs, but I have managed to gather some media about Almaty in one blogpost here.






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