Gain followers despite the Instagram algorithm change

Not too long ago Instagram algorithm change was announced on official Instagram blog, which led to panic among the social network members. But instead of trying to fight the new algorithm, we can successfully adapt to it. Here are my suggestions for everyone who still wants to be influential on Social Networks.

The New Rules of Instagram Algorithm Change

1. Post for the people who engage with you most
Although you should’ve always been doing this on any platform you post, Instagram now encourages everyone to do it. Probably this is great for their Advertising, which supposed to be non of our business.

2. Stop thinking about the perfect time to post, use this time to make the content richer
After you start posting for the people who engage with you most, you now have to concentrate on spending every spare time on creating and improving your content, be it images, video or music.

3. You don’t have to post lots of posts just to get noticed. Spend the effort to make content richer.
Last year on Instagram was about getting noticed in the people’s timelines, who follow 500-1000 other profiles. And the number is growing. Now the thing has changed. If your friends have posted something from their party in Europe, whilst you ‘ve been sleeping (in some other country) – you will see their post, and chances are it’ll be the first one in your timeline.

All time rules

1. Rich content
2. Quality, not quantity
3. Tell a story
4. Would I Like this?
5. Engage with commentaries

Old rules still matter a lot

1. You get what you like
2. Play by Instagram’s rules and win
3. Use filters to make photos rich with colours and to deliver the right mood
4. Creativity puts you on a map
5. Love makes you shine – so share love in every post.


Here’s my reaction to he Instagram Algorithm change craze

Видео опубликовано Z Δ N Z Ξ Β Ξ K (@zanzebek)

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