KIMOJI is Kim Kardashian’s Version of Emoji

Kimoji is emoji+Kim and the app with emoticons is about to launch tomorrow. Who’s ready? Do I have to pay for this? We’ll see. So far I have only this pic as a preview…

Kimoji Kim Kardashian Emoji Zanzebek Blog

There’s little know about the App. However twitter is blossoming with rich graphics of how Kim Kardashian’s emoji would look like. It all started with this tweet of Kim’s:

Kim Kardashian West tweet Kimoji zanzebek blog


Now if you look for #Kimoji on your favourite social network, chances are you’ll see some Kim.

We are familiar with Kim Kardashian’s love of the App Store, but now she’s really entering our every day life. I mean, I am a guy from Kazakhstan who knows about this. Clearly something is going on and it’s definitely unavoidable so far.

# It’s Happening Whether You Want It Or Not

Kimoji is happening whether you want it or not

Download Now

As of now, the emoji app of Kim Kardashian West is officially available for download on App Store for iOS.

KIMOJI – Whalerock Digital Media, LLC

So if you can’t fight them – share them… with your friends, cause this thing is going to be everywhere (at least for a while).






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