Words Of Wisdom from Nicki Minaj

Zanzebek Blog. Inspiration. Nicki Minaj Wisdom Quotes

Nicki Minaj via: FlickR

You might think of Nicki Minaj as being an ambassador of those people who never stop thinking about butts and stuff. Well, don’t.

Apart from trendy, billboard-record-breaking tracks, she’s full of stuff to tell to the young generation. Many of the stuff she talks about is way above average advise, and mixed with some «special action words», you get a great cocktail of quotes full of wisdom:

1. As long as you’re independent, you can feel free to love, whatever body you’ve got right now.

2. Music is beautiful, but I want you to stay in school. Put your books first and singing second

3. For all the women, stop feeling like you shouldn’t speak your mind cause somebody’s gonna call you a bitch. Speak your motherfucking mind.

4. I am a big supporter of women who came from nothing and worked their way to the top.

5. You’re not gonna tell me who I am, Imma tell you who I am. If you like it, let’s roll.

6. I love my females, I give them confidence to say I am me, take it or leave it, I love it and I don’t care what you think about it.

7. When I started being around Young Money, Wayne thought I was shy, but it wasn’t that I was shy. I just didn’t want anybody to think I was easy. No matter what my lyrics were saying, when I got around these guys, I was like – I was a prude, because I didn’t want anyone in this game to ever be able to say «I had sex with her» or «when she needed a deal, she had to…» – No, and until this day, not a single man in this industry, not one, can say that and I pride myself for that.

8. You are the only you.

9. I care less about the acceptance, and more about me being the lyrical lil bitch that I am. Knowing that I am lyrically better than most of the male rappers out there, Yes, I’m gonna say it… I dont’ get credit that I deserve.

10. I think the goal is to not want anyone’s acceptance. No one will ever accept anything.

11. When you’re a girl, you have to be everything: you have to be dope at what you do, but you have to be super sweet, and you have to be sexy, and you have to be this and you have to be that, and you have to be nice, and have to – it’s like, I can’t be all of those things at once. I’m a human beeeeeeeeeeeeeeing.

12. – I don’t want girls to see the Anaconda video and think «hey! lemme go shake my ass». No! There’s a time and place. My biggest concern is that my fans are educated… I couldn’t go to college, so if you have the opportunity, GO TO COLLEGE and forget these little boys out here that’s trying to get in your pants.

– I wanted girls to make sure they’re always having protected sex and, secondly, know that you’re worth more than just sex and you don’t have to feel forced.

– [Interviewer:] If you’re going to shake your ass – shake your ass for you.

– Right.


If you happen to enjoy the quotes and want some more, here are the interviews Nicki appeared in when saying some of the above:

1. Mtv Interview Sneak Peak: «Nicki Minaj: My Time Now»

2. Sophia Grace meets Nicki Minaj

3. Nicki Minaj Advises Female Rappers To ‘Maintain Your Dignity’


This post was Inspired By The Following Source: BuzzFeed






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