Moleskine Game of Thrones Edition Trailer

I was hoping Moleskine Game of Thrones edition happen someday soon before the Season 6 Premiere, and it did. Moleskine and HBO collaborated on Moleskine’s Game of Thrones Edition Notebook Series for every of our favourite houses of Westeros.

Moleskin Game of Thrones Intro, ‘Paper Epicness’

Moleskine Game of Thrones Edition Notebooks

Moleskine Games of Thrones Stark Zanzebek

Moleskine Games of Thrones Stark Zanzebek

Moleskine Games of Thrones Lannister Zanzebek

Moleskine Games of Thrones Targaryen Khaleesi Dayeneris Zanzebek

Moleskine Games of Thrones Westeros Zanzebek

You can purchase Game of Thrones edition notebook on Moleskine website. In addition to the three major houses of Westeros, there’s a boxed set with the Iron Throne on the cover.

Moleskine Games of Thrones Iron Throne Box Zanzebek

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