Many people around the web started complaining about some mysterious text message that made their iPhone restart and not able to open the Messages app.

Zanzebek Blog. Text Message iPhone Bug

A short weird text message is available online and it can make you beg for Apple to fix the bug.

There is a way to fix it though:

  • You can answer with a simple ‘Hi’ to the sender
  • You can send the sender a Photo
  • The sender can send that mystery text message again, and the bug fixes itself. Until the messgae is sent again, from someone else.
  • Open the conversation with the sender in Mac’s Messages App and reply
  • Ask Siri to reply to the sender

Here are some comments from Reddit:

Zanzebek Blog. Reddit Text Message iPhone Bug

Image Source: Reddit

So I just disabled banner notifications for the Message App in iPhone. You can find it in Settings>>Notifications>>Messages. I did it the following way:

Zanzebek Blog. Screenshot of Messages Notifications iPhone 6 Plus

Oh, and don’t forget to disable Message Preview in Other Messaging Applications, such as WhatsApp.

Sadly, until Apple releases an iOS update, these are the only ways to fight the issue back so far.

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